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AudioPara Volume and Distortion Solved

January 4th, 2009 1 comment

I could never hear anybody with the AT&T AudioPara4 file. I performed the registry tweak to switch to the stock AudioPara3 file. You can use Diamond Tweak to accomplish this as well with the 100db European Limit tweak. This improved the volume but distorted the speakerphone at the higher levels. Read more…

Categories: Fuze, HTC Tags: , ,

VMware Web Service Not Available

September 26th, 2008 No comments

After upgrading to VMware Server 2, I have sporadically received an error message stating “vmware ServiceNotAvailableException: Web service not available”. There isn’t much information on the cause of this error, but I found disabling IPv6 resolved it for me. Read more…

Categories: Linux, VMware Tags:

Hot Adding a SCSI Device

July 11th, 2008 No comments

When hot adding a SCSI device, such as a hard drive, you might have noticed that it doesn’t show in /dev. You can either reboot, which defeats the purpose of hot adding the device, or notify Linux to rescan the SCSI bus. Read more…

Categories: Firewalls, Linux, RAID, Windows Tags:

Patching Postfix for mySQL and Quotas

April 20th, 2008 No comments

If you are hosting email for more than one domain you might want to look into virtual hosting. With virtual hosting most choose to use database vs files to store the mailbox information. Not only does this allow a more flexible configuration, but the ability to use a web interface such as Postfix Admin. Out of the box Fedora Core 8 Postfix RPM does not support mySQL or quota support. However a simple recompile and install of the resulting package will get you up and running. Read more…

Categories: Linux, Postfix Tags: ,

SMF and MediaWiki Bridge

February 12th, 2008 5 comments

After testing out both bridges currently available for SMF and MediaWiki I decided to write my own. Let me first go through what I liked and didn’t like about the existing bridges. Read more…

Categories: Linux, PHP Tags: ,

Patching Apache’s Suexec Module Improved

January 5th, 2008 No comments

This tutorial improves on my last tutorial Patching Apache’s Suexec Module by adding in alternate docroots and a trusted uid/gid to check when the uid/gid mismatch. This is an added security measure over just ignoring the uid/gid check or using / as the docroot. If you haven’t read my previous tutorial the following quote should bring you up to speed. Read more…

Categories: Apache, Linux Tags:

Slow Browsing of Network Drives

December 16th, 2007 1 comment

One frustrating thing I noticed after using Vista was what seemed to be a compatibility issue with Windows 2003 Server 64bit Edition. Browsing network shares and folders on the server from the Vista machine was painfully slow. It would take five plus seconds to just display a directory listing or open a text file. After an hour or so of searching Google I found the answer. Read more…

Categories: Vista, Windows Tags: